Friday, October 28, 2011

Operation Homefront

We are now proudly supporting Operation Home Front. Operation Home Front is a charity which helps out military families by doing a variety of activities. These range from providing food to the families of servicemen, who are currently deployed and in need of some financial assistance, to giving the wives of servicemen a night out with other wives. The charity also provides assistance to injured soldiers who are now disabled through giving them medical care, as well as by giving them financial assistance.This is an extremely important charity because it supports soldiers who are and have defended our freedom.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sun Chips Eco-Label

Following Sun Chips making there bag environmentally friendly many people became dissatisfied with their product because the new bag whenever it was crumbled or you pulled a chip out of it made a more annoying sound than the previous bag.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Following the debt ceiling crisis in Congress, many financial companies such as S&P 500 downgraded the US governments credit rating. Many people do not realize what exactly this downgrade actually means. However, people do know that this was brought around by increased government spending in the past few decades. This downgrade can have various affects on the future outlook of he United States' economy as well as the well-being of American citizens. An effect for the American people would be that a credit card company could judge you as to big a credit risk, and will not allowed you to use them. Some effects on the government would include having to pay higher interest rates, which would then increase the amount of government spending. Ultimately, something must be done to get the US government its AAA credit rating back, as well as there must be something done to decrease the national debt.

Today's the one month anniversary of the creation of the Occupy Wall Street protest. It is seen as both a nuisance and a a phenomenon. The views of many of the Occupy Wall street protesters is that they want government money to be spread around more evenly, as well as they want to punish the financial industry, who helped to start the economic downturn. Many of the protesters are extremely upset over high unemployment rates, outsourcing of jobs, and a decrease in job security. This movement has become so strong that even members of Congress, such as House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, ar backing the movement. So the question remains, will this protest impact US economic policy for years to come?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

In this brief video. Several  reporters discuss various business issues. One of the issues was discussing the debt crisis which was occurring at the end of July and the beginning of October. Another issue was how at the end of the first quarter Toyota posted a loss as their profits were down 99% because Japan's currency, the Yen, has rebounded.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ben Bernanke speaks about the Economy

Today, Ben Bernanke urged the national government to not cut spending to rapidly because then it could cause economic turmoil, and it could further prevent economic growth not only in the United States, but also the world. Bernanke also said that he is trying to stop any future inflation in the US as well as another potential relapse into another recession. In his speech Bernanke also cited the slumping housing market and a large debt helped to stop further growth. In adddition Bernanke cited the maintenance of a high unemployment rate as well as recent employment surveys indicate a more sluggish creation of jobs.